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Big Changes for Cursed 2024

Cursed at Crouch Valley in Essex has been running for a few years and this year see's the event undertake a big change. For 2024 Cursed becomes The Cursed Village. This village centre area will have a pub and various food stalls as well as side show games as well as having a show. There will also be roaming characters known as the Roaming Rotters who will tell you all you need to know about the village.

Two mazes from last year return in Haunting and Sewers are joined by three brand new attractions in The Harvest, The Clinic and Bloodthirst. It seems all these mazes have a general connection in things you might find in a village such as a church, farm, hotel, doctors and a sewer system, so it will be exciting to see if these connect in some way to the overall theme of The Cursed Village.

The event will run for 11 nights throughout October from Thursday 17th. Tickets vary in cost depending on what night you go and start from £20.00 and tickets go on sale from August 1st. For those with younger fans of scares, Cursed also hold a child friendly event called Cursed Twilight. This event is specifically designed for under 16s. Its designed to give them the full experience but with less scares. This event will run on Tuesday 29th October and tickets are £20.00.

For more information about both The Cursed Village and Cursed Twilight you can visit The Cursed Website.



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