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Scream Factory - My Bloody Valentine Review 2020

After a hell of a road trip from the south to the north of Redcar with the awesome guys from Scare Directory, (Ashley and Steven) we pulled up in a car park as we had arrived at Scream Factory. Then we meet up with Lee and Sarah from Faceless Ventures and we walked though the woods to Scream Factory’s entrance.

We arrived at the entrance which had a wooden church like facade. We then entered into the main plaza area where there was a brilliant street team of characters, two creepy twin characters and the brilliant clown who took a disliking to me it seemed and he scared the life out of me 😂 After a quick loo break, we entered the scream park. For those of you who have not been to Scream Factory before, it’s a case of once you’re in you can’t back out as you go though each attraction/scene in one go, like a big walk though maze, with different scenes, scenarios and stories.

It was absolutely amazing. The difference scenes you went though, the different characters you meet and the interactions and scares you got were great. It’s hard to remember everything we experienced and saw as so much happened. It was a great Valentines show with a great mix of funny, smuttyness and scares. The scares, when they came, were incredible and unexpected and the interactions and experiences were some of the best I’ve had for a long time.

There were points we were all laughing, then the next (mainly me 😂)got scared. They came out of no where and clever too and I was the group leader,well put to the front by them, as I had never been before. All the scenes we experienced I loved and were all so different. From the begging scene where this huge actor just got in my face and would not let me pass to the butcher with the chainsaw were absolutely fantastic and the two actors in that particular scene were fantastic and just bounced of each other. The humour in here was brilliant had us in stitches. I will never look at a sausage the same way again with out that scene popping in to my head. The dark room just filled with smoke was fantastic too. I could seen absolutely nothing till I found a wall. The hillbilly scene was one of my highlights. It was not what I expected at all. It was so intense having to walk out of a Shed with about 6 of these horrible hillbilly like characters just standing there. It was intimidating and I had no idea which way to go 😂 Then all of a sudden they just launched at us. I had 3 actors circle me and sing Ring a ring a roses, then they all joined in, and I had no space to move at all. They did not seem to leave me alone for the whole of that scene. I was cornered by them all face to face, no room to move, nothing. It was so intense and unexpected and scary but amazing. The drag scenes were hilarious and on point, I can’t say tickle my pickle with out busting into giggles again. The Pennywise like scene was so good with the balloons on the floor that kept popping lol, too chooseing the door and it was not what I expected. The graveyard scene was so good too. The hooded section of the attraction was one of the best I’ve done, so good II had my hand on a rope and dildo 😂 so weird and the squishy floor that made me squeak, absolutely brilliant.

I/we all absolutely loved Scream Factory and for my first ever time there I loved it. I can’t wait to get back. It was the perfect mix for a Valentines event. It had the humour and smut but also great scares and effects. I was buzzing from it after and their small street team are fantastic and Steve and his Maoams he was given and his clown pulling and dancing, Honestly get up to these guys, had a fantastic night.

I would just like to say a massive thank you to the Scream Factory team for an amazing night and I can’t wait to come back to them and to Jay who came round with us who had the most amusement out of my reactions, thank you. Also a massive huge thank you to the actors on the night and to all the team behind Scream Factory. It was an awesome night!


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