First, we would like to say that if you are booked to experience The Retreat it is in your best interest to not read this review. The Retreat is a show that in our honest opinion should be taken in with as little to go off as possible. Trust us when we say that this experience did knock us off our feet for one of the main reasons being that we did not anticipate half of what the show was to be. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience…but enough of a cheeky Oblivion reference which I could not resist. Onwards with the review. I will say we will try and keep it as spoiler-free as we can, However there may be some spoilers we honestly cannot avoid. So, A warning once again. IF YOU ARE BOOKED FOR THE RETREAT DO NOT READ!
Your evening begins with some questionable transport that will leave you wondering will I get to the event or am I being taken to a rave? But If you arrive at your destination like we did, the accommodation will speak for itself, But that is all we shall say upon that. Once settled in, relax the best you can, bang your meal in the microwave and sit back to the horror flick of your choice, But be aware there are eyes everywhere at all times.
Once you have watched your movie the story of The Retreat will have begun to unfold with a clever mix of effects and tactics that are so simple yet so undeniably effective and you will be gearing up for a little search or two around your accommodation.
But if you think you are safe where you are soon enough this safety will be stripped away from you as you take your first trip further into The Retreat’s true darkness. Just make sure you heed all the instructions to the letter and keep your nerve when the time comes. This is where The Retreat and Scream Camp’s astounding team come into their own. Honestly, we have been through a lot of events and a few extremes, but this was one of the most intense experiences to date. Not aggressive like Sub Species or even Scream Camp as the event is fully socially distanced but sometimes when just left with your senses true terror can take over. The simplicity of the surroundings and the talent of the cast will fully immerse you in a fright inducing nightmare.
After completing this section and finding yourself back at the accommodation you can try your best to relax but that feeling by then is long gone. For it won’t be long till you find yourself back on a familiar route where the psychological elements get pushed to the point of moral choices and what you choose from this time on may affect how certain elements of the show play out. Like we said before there are eyes everywhere and as it stated on our favourite show at the moment (Once Upon A Time) EVERYTHING COMES AT PRICE, Including failure so do keep that in mind.
By this time your accommodation will start to feel like a panic room and the lead characters associates will be preparing to make themselves known somewhat too close for comfort, But before that you may be faced with one more choice that could leave one of you feeling quite solitary. With the show ramping up you might even question your own previous choices including your thoughts of who you really are as a person. I will not go into detail of the finale but just know it will stay with you for a long time afterwards. Even when you think the night is finished just remember that things go bump in the night…
If you make it to the end your driver will meet you in the morning and take you back to your pickup point.
All in all The Retreat was an absolute masterpiece, We were asked so kindly by the Scream Camp team to test this out and say what we would improve or change but to our surprise when that time came we simply said “There is nothing to improve the show is amazing and one of the scariest things we have ever done and given the chance and tickets come available we are more than happy to venture back and see how we do a second time around”.
We just want to give one final thanks and congratulations to the entire Scream Camp team. During such an uncertain time to create this show in line with what we have all had to deal with and to do it so perfectly is such a statement of success. We are so humbled and honoured to have been asked to test The Retreat. Thank you from 2 of the 3 gays at PSG.
Ps, We cannot wait to hear how our Amber and Dom react to the terror that awaits them in the future!
Dan and Dane Signing out =P